Safety Rules! President, Ted Finlayson-Schueler has been involved
in many types of writing projects since 1986. These projects include
curricula and materials for student training, driver and attendant
training, instructor training, instructor trainer training; safe operation
manuals and handbooks guiding establishment of safe operations,
research and analysis of operation or state-wide practice; and
research into specific school travel topics.
Safety Rules! can develop materials to help your organization or
agency put down on paper (or bytes) the rules and expertise that drive
your operation.
Operation Manuals and Handbooks
The first things that a lawyer will ask for in a lawsuit are copies of
policy, procedures, handbooks, and curricula that are used in the
operation. The second thing that will be requested is documentation
of all of the first. Safety Rules! can work with your operation or agency
to create materials that will guide the work of school travel.
Topical Research and Analysis
Sophisticated analysis of school travel operational issues has not
been a regular activity in North America, especially in the area of
non-school bus transportation. When your staff availability limits
in-depth survey and analysis of specific important topics or
questions, Safety Rules! can undertake projects that could not
otherwise be accomplished.
Curriculum Development
Active participation, group involvement, accurate content, and ongoing
monitoring of student achievement are all a part of effective
instruction. Understanding how adults learn is vital to preparing
effective instruction. Ted Finlayson-Schueler’s background in Adult
Education means that curricula will get the job done.
School Transportation Policy Development
School district policy for school bus travel, walkers, high school
student drivers, use of transit, and vehicle and pedestrian traffic on
school sites is often outdated or inadequate – often as limited as a
statement that all applicable laws will be followed. Accurate policy
that is based on best practice and is faithfully followed will not only
limit a district’s liability, it will also mean an operation that operates
smoothly, safely, and efficiently.