Conference Keynotes and Workshops
Ted Finlayson-Schueler has presented numerous workshops and
keynote addresses at state/provincial and national conferences on a
broad range of topics. His timely, perceptive, cutting edge
presentations will make your conference one to remember.
Representative presentation topics are listed below.
NAPT Professional Development Series Contact Safety Rules or
NAPT to arrange for Ted to come to your state or region to teach
courses in their Professional Development Series. Ted is approved to
teach NAPT 101, Transportation Overview; NAPT 601, Routing and
Scheduling, NAPT 606, Emergency Planning and Risk Management;
NAPT 701 Introduction to Leadership and Management, and NAPT
801 and 802, Special Education Policy, Procedures, and Operations.
Instructor In-service
Ted has worked with instructors for 20 years. He has been involved in
preparing new instructors, with providing professional development to
instructors, and in training others to be trainers of instructors.
Unfortunately, once initial instructor training is completed, many
instructors never get any more feedback and support for further skill
development. Our staff receive increasingly sophisticated messages
in the media, our instruction must also grow in sophistication to
compete for attention
Staff In-service
How much do you have spent in wages every time you bring your staff
together for 2, 3, or 4 hours? Providing a motivating presentation for
these front-line employees is a great investment. It will not only
energize them about their jobs, it will give them the skills they need to
work in today’s high expectation world, it will create a positive job
attitude, and will make them great ambassadors for your operation in
the district and the community.
Recent Workshop, Keynote, and In-service Topics
Special Needs Transportation
Emergency Preparedness
Accident Investigation and Preparation
Loading and Unloading Safety
Universal Crossing System
Staff recognition and Motivation
Safe Trips to School in Every Mode
Security Training
Attitude Matters
Establishing a Safety Program
Enhancing Presentation
Instructor Resources
Field Trip and Charter Bus Guidelines
Working with the Media
Relative Risks of School Travel Safety
What does the Future Hold for School Travel?